all postcodes in M50 / SALFORD

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Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M50 2BH 1 1 53.472056 -2.29988
M50 2BS 1 1 53.473782 -2.299802
M50 2HE 1 1 53.473052 -2.297115
M50 2HF 3 3 53.473052 -2.297115
M50 2HQ 1 1 53.472686 -2.299417
M50 2HT 1 1 53.473307 -2.299437
M50 2LH 1 1 53.472878 -2.298108
M50 2QH 1 1 53.471762 -2.299049
M50 2SR 1 1 53.47289 -2.300519
M50 2TG 2 1 53.473283 -2.301304
M50 2ST 18 18 53.472857 -2.299675
M50 2NT 4 4 53.473324 -2.299437
M50 2AA 1 1 53.473654 -2.304381
M50 2AB 6 53.473677 -2.301759
M50 2HA 0 53.474386 -2.29164
M50 2HB 0 53.474386 -2.29164
M50 2HD 0 53.474386 -2.29164
M50 2HG 0 53.474295 -2.292106
M50 2HH 0 53.474295 -2.292106
M50 2HJ 0 53.474295 -2.292106