all postcodes in M50 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M50 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M50 2WE 1 53.481217 -2.28043
M50 3AG 42 53.470859 -2.293198
M50 3AH 31 53.470896 -2.293062
M50 3AZ 1 53.47074 -2.294071
M50 3BA 2 53.470398 -2.294309
M50 3SP 7 53.473779 -2.290235
M50 3GP 1 53.471013 -2.293003
M50 3YW 9 53.473995 -2.286349
M50 3RA 0 53.470182 -2.294594
M50 3RB 0 53.470182 -2.294594
M50 3SG 0 53.468823 -2.284145
M50 3SN 1 53.468121 -2.284382
M50 3SQ 3 53.471231 -2.288003
M50 3SR 1 53.468842 -2.283558
M50 3SS 1 53.468617 -2.283888
M50 3ST 2 53.469192 -2.283726
M50 3SU 1 53.469459 -2.284511
M50 3TT 0 53.47118 -2.290141
M50 3TU 0 53.472225 -2.289607
M50 3TX 0 53.472097 -2.290555