all postcodes in M60 / SALFORD

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Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M60 3YQ 1 0 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3YT 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3NS 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3YJ 0 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3YE 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3NL 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3UY 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3UW 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3UT 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3QX 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3US 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3QN 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3BJ 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3AB 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3AE 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3AT 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3AY 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3BA 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 3BF 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 4BE 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212