all postcodes in M60 / SALFORD

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Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M60 4EP 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 4ES 1 1 53.487212 -2.239674
M60 4ET 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 6EL 1 1 53.470711 -2.215267
M60 6ES 1 1 53.482993 -2.232267
M60 6WZ 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 7HA 1 1 53.474436 -2.240489
M60 7HB 1 1 53.473291 -2.238662
M60 7LH 1 1 53.476161 -2.232696
M60 7RA 1 1 53.476877 -2.229807
M60 7XS 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 7WZ 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 8HG 1 1 53.481192 -2.247355
M60 8HS 1 1 53.480331 -2.246522
M60 8WZ 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 9AF 1 1 53.482055 -2.251354
M60 9AH 1 1 53.492188 -2.245686
M60 9BN 1 1 53.482055 -2.251354
M60 9BT 1 1 53.483203 -2.248286
M60 9AT 1 1 53.482055 -2.251354