all postcodes in ME1 / ROCHESTER

find any address or company within the ME1 postcode district

Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME1 2LB 26 0 51.375595 0.506762
ME1 2LD 10 1 51.375014 0.506199
ME1 2LE 58 0 51.373896 0.50506
ME1 2LF 2 0 51.375025 0.505237
ME1 2LG 39 0 51.374318 0.506376
ME1 2LH 8 0 51.37289 0.506269
ME1 2LJ 47 0 51.373017 0.505357
ME1 2LL 37 0 51.372291 0.506093
ME1 2LN 6 0 51.371903 0.504894
ME1 2LQ 17 1 51.373255 0.506448
ME1 2LR 5 0 51.371969 0.505601
ME1 2LT 10 1 51.367017 0.501653
ME1 2LU 8 2 51.367791 0.502442
ME1 2LW 23 1 51.379812 0.507237
ME1 2LX 25 0 51.36816 0.502893
ME1 2LY 7 2 51.367976 0.502639
ME1 2NA 4 0 51.368418 0.503425
ME1 2NB 32 1 51.369328 0.503345
ME1 2ND 16 0 51.369643 0.504167
ME1 2NE 49 0 51.369351 0.504783