all postcodes in ME14 / MAIDSTONE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME14 1LH 9 51.275824 0.519996
ME14 1LJ 0 51.275955 0.521839
ME14 1LL 3 51.27623 0.522026
ME14 1LN 6 51.273672 0.520953
ME14 1LT 5 51.274 0.520757
ME14 1LQ 3 51.279537 0.516728
ME14 1LR 1 51.27343 0.523004
ME14 1LY 22 51.27499 0.525699
ME14 1NU 1 51.237695 0.563657
ME14 1NX 2 51.274246 0.520583
ME14 1NY 0 51.273946 0.520338
ME14 1PA 11 51.273901 0.520349
ME14 1PD 4 51.27423 0.51965
ME14 1PF 8 51.274547 0.52083
ME14 1PL 10 51.274798 0.522104
ME14 1PP 5 51.27504 0.52173
ME14 1RF 4 51.277551 0.521624
ME14 1PS 12 51.274768 0.520568
ME14 1PX 1 51.273941 0.52514
ME14 1QE 1 51.275563 0.52001