all postcodes in ME14 / MAIDSTONE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME14 5BE 11 1 51.27937 0.529066
ME14 5BH 48 1 51.273148 0.531032
ME14 5BJ 4 4 51.273328 0.529809
ME14 5BL 12 0 51.278627 0.561132
ME14 5BT 21 2 51.27585 0.558583
ME14 5BW 1 0 51.237695 0.563657
ME14 5BX 5 0 51.27234 0.548781
ME14 5BY 1 1 51.237695 0.563657
ME14 5DA 9 5 51.273569 0.531128
ME14 5DY 31 12 51.274206 0.529542
ME14 5DG 26 0 51.273044 0.530453
ME14 5DL 1 0 51.273803 0.534452
ME14 5DN 55 0 51.286785 0.542539
ME14 5DP 18 0 51.273628 0.535475
ME14 5DQ 1 1 51.273985 0.53267
ME14 5DR 8 0 51.274074 0.535213
ME14 5DS 1 1 51.274595 0.53689
ME14 5DT 1 1 51.273736 0.53961
ME14 5DU 12 0 51.274497 0.534792
ME14 5DX 11 5 51.275258 0.534131