all postcodes in ME14 / MAIDSTONE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME14 2SU 12 1 51.281971 0.522698
ME14 2SW 12 1 51.281265 0.523319
ME14 2SX 25 0 51.281744 0.521122
ME14 2SY 9 1 51.281665 0.519813
ME14 2SZ 38 1 51.281932 0.521161
ME14 2TA 43 0 51.281125 0.520242
ME14 2TB 43 0 51.28135 0.521459
ME14 2TD 6 0 51.281036 0.521844
ME14 2TE 7 0 51.280635 0.522123
ME14 2TF 26 1 51.28062 0.521147
ME14 2TH 2 1 51.280323 0.524859
ME14 2TJ 19 1 51.280899 0.524877
ME14 2TL 45 1 51.281656 0.525635
ME14 2TN 26 0 51.280585 0.525261
ME14 2TP 32 0 51.280882 0.526926
ME14 2TQ 28 0 51.285537 0.533306
ME14 2TR 39 0 51.281142 0.526955
ME14 2TS 55 1 51.281231 0.527834
ME14 2TT 47 0 51.281284 0.528296
ME14 2TU 4 0 51.280833 0.529576