all postcodes in ME14 / MAIDSTONE

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ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME14 3HF 1 0 51.31268 0.59084
ME14 3HG 1 0 51.325387 0.604289
ME14 3HH 12 0 51.32884 0.596244
ME14 3HJ 8 0 51.320902 0.588734
ME14 3HL 13 2 51.31517 0.581967
ME14 3HN 4 1 51.327237 0.598723
ME14 3HP 2 0 51.306613 0.575202
ME14 3HR 1 0 51.301534 0.575477
ME14 3HS 6 0 51.299497 0.582608
ME14 3HT 7 5 51.301746 0.598862
ME14 3HU 29 25 51.310723 0.6
ME14 3HW 2 1 51.29932 0.566573
ME14 3HX 9 0 51.308139 0.608234
ME14 3HY 5 0 51.312784 0.612472
ME14 3JB 1 0 51.293594 0.604267
ME14 3JD 11 0 51.298513 0.607531
ME14 3JE 2 0 51.297624 0.589648
ME14 3JF 2 2 51.301219 0.585704
ME14 3JG 6 0 51.298279 0.584822
ME14 3JH 2 0 51.28491 0.543568