all postcodes in ME14 / MAIDSTONE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME14 1BF 12 0 51.275116 0.52486
ME14 1BJ 5 0 51.275269 0.525299
ME14 1BX 16 0 51.275484 0.525311
ME14 1DG 12 0 51.275595 0.524758
ME14 1FG 8 0 51.275512 0.524438
ME14 1FH 16 0 51.275284 0.524583
ME14 1FJ 8 0 51.275065 0.524341
ME14 1FL 9 0 51.275194 0.524162
ME14 1FN 33 0 51.273478 0.520756
ME14 1FP 3 51.280374 0.517492
ME14 1FR 0 51.280519 0.517872
ME14 1XF 1 51.237695 0.563657
ME14 1FQ 0 51.274643 0.525121
ME14 1FS 1 0 51.274569 0.527698
ME14 1FT 0 51.273945 0.519091
ME14 1FU 10 0 51.273757 0.519079
ME14 1FW 1 51.273328 0.52647
ME14 1PT 2 51.276536 0.523663
ME14 2AA 0 51.286016 0.534064
ME14 2AB 0 51.28641 0.53496