all postcodes in ME19 / WEST MALLING

find any address or company within the ME19 postcode district

Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME19 4TS 0 51.272147 0.386497
ME19 4TT 0 51.272934 0.386724
ME19 4TU 0 51.273557 0.387043
ME19 4TW 0 51.272293 0.387293
ME19 4TX 0 51.273738 0.387425
ME19 4TY 0 51.273111 0.392554
ME19 4UA 6 51.276457 0.394334
ME19 4WA 1 51.27684 0.402413
ME19 4WF 0 51.271785 0.407239
ME19 4WL 1 51.326341 0.446642
ME19 4WN 0 51.271423 0.406044
ME19 4WQ 1 51.326341 0.446642
ME19 4WS 0 51.270391 0.406392
ME19 4WT 0 51.271557 0.406954
ME19 4XB 1 51.326341 0.446642
ME19 4XQ 1 51.326341 0.446642
ME19 4YF 1 51.326341 0.446642
ME19 4YR 1 51.326341 0.446642
ME19 4YT 3 51.278332 0.395794
ME19 4YY 1 51.326341 0.446642