all postcodes in ME19 / WEST MALLING

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME19 6QH 32 13 51.295412 0.409364
ME19 6QJ 12 0 51.295926 0.41193
ME19 6QL 11 3 51.296365 0.410289
ME19 6QN 27 1 51.297016 0.410079
ME19 6QP 39 0 51.296298 0.407818
ME19 6QQ 1 1 51.326341 0.446642
ME19 6QR 19 14 51.295295 0.408928
ME19 6QS 6 0 51.29678 0.441024
ME19 6QT 22 3 51.295278 0.408482
ME19 6QU 18 0 51.294774 0.40804
ME19 6QW 6 0 51.297861 0.40922
ME19 6QX 24 5 51.294344 0.407515
ME19 6QY 7 0 51.294822 0.406593
ME19 6RA 36 0 51.29391 0.404566
ME19 6RB 34 1 51.293654 0.404797
ME19 6RD 23 0 51.292544 0.401468
ME19 6RE 6 0 51.290562 0.40201
ME19 6RF 9 0 51.290616 0.397653
ME19 6RG 6 0 51.290397 0.394758
ME19 6RH 4 0 51.292611 0.391173