all postcodes in ME1 / ROCHESTER

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME1 2DH 11 5 51.381627 0.507753
ME1 2DJ 17 0 51.359698 0.507876
ME1 2DL 19 0 51.359555 0.505311
ME1 2DN 17 0 51.358974 0.5064
ME1 2DP 39 0 51.381545 0.504414
ME1 2DQ 7 2 51.38259 0.507734
ME1 2DR 50 0 51.381355 0.505726
ME1 2DS 46 1 51.381162 0.507196
ME1 2DT 13 5 51.380535 0.507938
ME1 2DU 63 0 51.380281 0.506746
ME1 2DW 45 0 51.381708 0.50313
ME1 2DX 17 0 51.380742 0.505376
ME1 2DY 31 0 51.380435 0.505043
ME1 2DZ 18 0 51.359046 0.50764
ME1 2EA 15 0 51.379707 0.504572
ME1 2EB 51 0 51.378531 0.505313
ME1 2ED 43 0 51.378516 0.506045
ME1 2EE 44 0 51.378509 0.506763
ME1 2EF 20 3 51.37903 0.507625
ME1 2EH 2 1 51.380039 0.507997