all postcodes in ME1 / ROCHESTER

find any address or company within the ME1 postcode district

Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME1 1UF 9 0 51.3855 0.500333
ME1 1UG 2 0 51.384789 0.499907
ME1 1UH 4 0 51.383907 0.497831
ME1 1UJ 13 1 51.383785 0.498529
ME1 1UL 28 0 51.382957 0.499375
ME1 1UN 40 1 51.382363 0.499817
ME1 1UP 10 0 51.382631 0.498624
ME1 1UQ 2 0 51.384128 0.498031
ME1 1UT 14 0 51.384147 0.506841
ME1 1UW 27 0 51.382241 0.498804
ME1 1UX 3 1 51.385646 0.507384
ME1 1UZ 1 1 51.385383 0.507886
ME1 1XB 27 3 51.384868 0.5076
ME1 1XE 9 0 51.38478 0.508745
ME1 1XF 9 2 51.384304 0.50833
ME1 1XH 17 3 51.385368 0.506908
ME1 1XJ 16 2 51.385103 0.506707
ME1 1XN 38 1 51.385459 0.506037
ME1 1XP 16 1 51.384509 0.506272
ME1 1XQ 1 0 51.383841 0.50809