all postcodes in ME3 / ROCHESTER

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME3 8BJ 14 0 51.417454 0.503285
ME3 8BL 6 1 51.421246 0.505923
ME3 8BN 1 0 51.424455 0.499294
ME3 8BP 5 0 51.417502 0.510695
ME3 8BS 15 0 51.411889 0.505699
ME3 8BW 1 1 51.417032 0.508281
ME3 8BX 8 0 51.45003 0.566369
ME3 8BY 17 0 51.413175 0.506963
ME3 8DA 6 0 51.411794 0.490765
ME3 8DB 1 0 51.445609 0.51772
ME3 8DD 18 0 51.442222 0.518008
ME3 8DE 4 0 51.442395 0.526709
ME3 8DF 6 0 51.447162 0.524095
ME3 8DG 5 0 51.454987 0.524915
ME3 8DH 28 0 51.455996 0.528987
ME3 8DJ 6 1 51.455989 0.530599
ME3 8DP 3 1 51.456476 0.530957
ME3 8DQ 4 0 51.455411 0.526954
ME3 8DR 4 1 51.456272 0.537885
ME3 8DS 2 2 51.454263 0.542249