all postcodes in ME6 / AYLESFORD

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME6 5BQ 50 1 51.330562 0.446091
ME6 5BT 36 0 51.32417 0.435617
ME6 5BU 42 0 51.324401 0.434438
ME6 5DA 16 11 51.329816 0.443037
ME6 5DB 3 0 51.330418 0.441791
ME6 5DD 5 1 51.329993 0.4423
ME6 5DE 1 1 51.330077 0.442175
ME6 5DF 20 6 51.330155 0.441864
ME6 5DG 1 1 51.330587 0.441456
ME6 5DH 39 1 51.330863 0.439834
ME6 5DJ 17 0 51.331174 0.436979
ME6 5DL 1 0 51.331597 0.43614
ME6 5DN 1 0 51.333594 0.434796
ME6 5DP 3 0 51.332535 0.43039
ME6 5DR 4 1 51.332858 0.416496
ME6 5DT 34 0 51.32985 0.439708
ME6 5DU 5 0 51.33072 0.441965
ME6 5DW 18 0 51.330508 0.439614
ME6 5DX 19 0 51.328973 0.43903
ME6 5DY 62 0 51.32857 0.440243