all postcodes in ME8 / GILLINGHAM

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME8 8NW 46 0 51.365134 0.623066
ME8 8NX 65 0 51.364511 0.619151
ME8 8NY 11 0 51.367046 0.622414
ME8 8PA 60 0 51.355762 0.603756
ME8 8PB 38 0 51.355223 0.603726
ME8 8PG 2 2 51.340232 0.60648
ME8 8PH 7 0 51.359564 0.611514
ME8 8PJ 9 2 51.350973 0.603111
ME8 8PL 1 0 51.341137 0.602985
ME8 8PN 1 0 51.343414 0.608973
ME8 8PP 17 1 51.347939 0.611772
ME8 8PQ 2 2 51.341571 0.608165
ME8 8PR 4 2 51.347396 0.613105
ME8 8PS 17 0 51.354822 0.625278
ME8 8PT 6 3 51.358457 0.632051
ME8 8PU 6 1 51.368751 0.62744
ME8 8PW 1 1 51.341571 0.608165
ME8 8PY 16 3 51.360169 0.627896
ME8 8PZ 2 0 51.361929 0.629247
ME8 8QA 1 0 51.35922 0.628101