all postcodes in ME9 / SITTINGBOURNE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME9 7SX 2 0 51.353783 0.649508
ME9 7SY 12 0 51.350109 0.643708
ME9 7SZ 1 1 51.353965 0.651356
ME9 7TA 11 0 51.352584 0.643606
ME9 7TB 8 0 51.353436 0.644101
ME9 7TD 11 0 51.354351 0.644613
ME9 7TE 5 0 51.349808 0.635088
ME9 7TG 9 0 51.344057 0.637271
ME9 7TH 25 1 51.345595 0.638897
ME9 7TJ 3 0 51.350122 0.642301
ME9 7TL 16 1 51.347926 0.640409
ME9 7TN 28 0 51.349624 0.640477
ME9 7TP 1 0 51.343666 0.635884
ME9 7TQ 7 0 51.350698 0.670069
ME9 7TR 14 0 51.345889 0.6338
ME9 7TS 2 0 51.348135 0.62593
ME9 7TT 11 9 51.354953 0.633531
ME9 7TU 2 0 51.342175 0.638972
ME9 7TW 3 0 51.354518 0.653184
ME9 7TX 1 0 51.341438 0.63534