all postcodes in ME9 / SITTINGBOURNE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME9 7HH 10 1 51.389066 0.653084
ME9 7HJ 7 1 51.390534 0.648238
ME9 7HL 18 0 51.385054 0.650279
ME9 7HN 8 0 51.372572 0.656254
ME9 7HP 12 0 51.368678 0.653457
ME9 7HU 4 0 51.344763 0.64307
ME9 7HY 5 0 51.360075 0.685152
ME9 7HZ 2 0 51.356101 0.672582
ME9 7JA 29 0 51.371721 0.67066
ME9 7JB 5 0 51.353632 0.670742
ME9 7JD 9 0 51.353978 0.670963
ME9 7JE 7 0 51.354605 0.671474
ME9 7JF 5 0 51.349063 0.681765
ME9 7JG 9 0 51.350152 0.676629
ME9 7JH 28 1 51.350976 0.672038
ME9 7JJ 28 3 51.351366 0.671932
ME9 7JL 26 3 51.351679 0.668819
ME9 7JN 5 0 51.351287 0.669069
ME9 7JP 4 1 51.351834 0.666759
ME9 7JQ 4 0 51.355303 0.672031