all postcodes in ME9 / SITTINGBOURNE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME9 7QB 7 0 51.333743 0.672859
ME9 7QD 11 0 51.324024 0.656131
ME9 7QE 2 0 51.322965 0.659617
ME9 7QH 3 0 51.318391 0.646318
ME9 7QJ 6 0 51.318192 0.646409
ME9 7QL 3 0 51.316499 0.639694
ME9 7QN 13 2 51.313644 0.630288
ME9 7QP 10 0 51.315627 0.630114
ME9 7QR 4 0 51.317063 0.627412
ME9 7QS 11 0 51.31941 0.622235
ME9 7QT 3 0 51.316483 0.612754
ME9 7QX 2 0 51.319283 0.613445
ME9 7QY 2 0 51.321075 0.614552
ME9 7RA 9 0 51.324313 0.618152
ME9 7RB 8 0 51.31985 0.634288
ME9 7RD 10 6 51.324376 0.646936
ME9 7RH 8 0 51.353794 0.656517
ME9 7RJ 11 1 51.318315 0.663178
ME9 7RL 7 0 51.318011 0.663103
ME9 7RN 3 0 51.317485 0.656169