all postcodes in MK13 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK13 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK13 8BB 4 0 52.047317 -0.770946
MK13 8BD 7 0 52.047827 -0.769765
MK13 8BE 20 0 52.044832 -0.768871
MK13 8BF 1 1 52.043001 -0.776066
MK13 8BH 7 0 52.043337 -0.768591
MK13 8BJ 10 0 52.043685 -0.768334
MK13 8BL 10 0 52.044062 -0.767477
MK13 8BN 10 0 52.043922 -0.768692
MK13 8BQ 14 0 52.044047 -0.769417
MK13 8BS 32 0 52.044613 -0.768527
MK13 8BT 14 0 52.044865 -0.767747
MK13 8BU 7 0 52.044101 -0.766849
MK13 8BW 10 0 52.044317 -0.767791
MK13 8BX 18 0 52.043648 -0.767387
MK13 8BY 12 0 52.048194 -0.77047
MK13 8BZ 16 0 52.043431 -0.769886
MK13 8DA 6 0 52.046836 -0.772003
MK13 8DB 4 0 52.045799 -0.771031
MK13 8DD 1 0 52.045538 -0.771855
MK13 8DE 7 0 52.04616 -0.771196