all postcodes in MK13 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK13 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK13 0DP 20 0 52.063281 -0.791368
MK13 0DQ 13 0 52.064468 -0.789644
MK13 0DR 16 0 52.063467 -0.791144
MK13 0DS 80 0 52.066578 -0.780586
MK13 0DT 30 0 52.066834 -0.779266
MK13 0DW 24 0 52.064186 -0.791985
MK13 0DY 1 0 52.065654 -0.800976
MK13 0EA 26 0 52.065399 -0.787532
MK13 0EB 6 0 52.065885 -0.788453
MK13 0ED 9 0 52.065532 -0.789031
MK13 0EE 10 0 52.065313 -0.788789
MK13 0EF 21 0 52.065151 -0.787816
MK13 0EH 11 0 52.064624 -0.788181
MK13 0EJ 9 2 52.064783 -0.788833
MK13 0EL 1 0 52.06452 -0.788548
MK13 0EN 3 1 52.063911 -0.787952
MK13 0EP 25 0 52.06405 -0.786577
MK13 0EQ 5 0 52.064904 -0.788334
MK13 0ER 1 1 52.061934 -0.798523
MK13 0ES 73 0 52.065165 -0.78573