all postcodes in MK17 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK17 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK17 8JH 11 1 52.011769 -0.627042
MK17 8JJ 1 0 52.011433 -0.626776
MK17 8JL 4 0 52.01283 -0.62089
MK17 8JN 11 0 52.012322 -0.62822
MK17 8JP 6 0 52.009076 -0.629004
MK17 8JR 4 1 52.007788 -0.628796
MK17 8JS 4 0 52.012842 -0.626587
MK17 8JT 17 1 52.012391 -0.624095
MK17 8JU 34 0 52.0119 -0.61984
MK17 8JW 3 0 52.010845 -0.618022
MK17 8JX 14 0 52.012002 -0.619327
MK17 8JY 48 0 52.012899 -0.618323
MK17 8JZ 17 0 52.01324 -0.620644
MK17 8LA 13 0 52.013391 -0.621252
MK17 8LH 23 3 52.025689 -0.671764
MK17 8LJ 5 1 52.026676 -0.66855
MK17 8LL 3 0 52.026706 -0.669598
MK17 8LN 14 0 52.026622 -0.671729
MK17 8LP 4 0 52.024458 -0.674416
MK17 8LQ 1 1 52.025968 -0.646678