all postcodes in MK17 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK17 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK17 8NU 17 1 52.01306 -0.646179
MK17 8NW 10 0 52.011065 -0.643165
MK17 8NX 28 0 52.013207 -0.646437
MK17 8NY 30 0 52.014621 -0.647443
MK17 8PA 49 0 52.009652 -0.646121
MK17 8PB 2 1 52.012444 -0.649512
MK17 8PD 9 0 52.01287 -0.649172
MK17 8PG 32 0 52.011653 -0.648902
MK17 8PH 23 0 52.012281 -0.650399
MK17 8PJ 20 0 52.01216 -0.650752
MK17 8PL 8 1 52.013654 -0.650124
MK17 8PN 29 0 52.013604 -0.651277
MK17 8PP 7 0 52.012661 -0.652136
MK17 8PQ 15 0 52.011409 -0.648822
MK17 8PR 8 0 52.013018 -0.652679
MK17 8PS 28 0 52.014005 -0.651702
MK17 8PT 13 0 52.013183 -0.653781
MK17 8PU 3 0 52.013552 -0.654601
MK17 8PW 8 0 52.013267 -0.651637
MK17 8PX 22 0 52.013216 -0.655033