all postcodes in MK17 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK17 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK17 8JW 3 0 52.010845 -0.618022
MK17 8JX 14 0 52.012002 -0.619327
MK17 8JY 48 0 52.012899 -0.618323
MK17 8JZ 17 0 52.01324 -0.620644
MK17 8LA 13 0 52.013391 -0.621252
MK17 8LH 23 3 52.025689 -0.671764
MK17 8LJ 5 1 52.026676 -0.66855
MK17 8LL 3 0 52.026706 -0.669598
MK17 8LN 14 0 52.026622 -0.671729
MK17 8LP 4 0 52.024458 -0.674416
MK17 8LQ 1 1 52.025968 -0.646678
MK17 8LR 8 0 52.023819 -0.673379
MK17 8LU 6 1 52.026242 -0.675515
MK17 8LW 16 0 52.025165 -0.674709
MK17 8LX 6 6 52.025296 -0.678545
MK17 8LY 7 0 52.024598 -0.67482
MK17 8NA 20 0 52.025016 -0.673613
MK17 8NB 32 0 52.015673 -0.65053
MK17 8ND 26 0 52.01557 -0.651028
MK17 8NE 4 0 52.015901 -0.650873