all postcodes in MK18 / BUCKINGHAM

find any address or company within the MK18 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK18 1BD 12 0 51.997503 -0.981725
MK18 1BE 41 1 51.99643 -0.980144
MK18 1BF 45 0 51.995115 -0.981182
MK18 1BG 34 1 51.997229 -0.9823
MK18 1BH 1 1 51.98739 -0.978824
MK18 1BJ 34 0 51.990718 -0.981136
MK18 1BL 35 0 51.990907 -0.982137
MK18 1BN 28 0 51.990803 -0.981557
MK18 1BP 12 4 51.999188 -0.988475
MK18 1BQ 25 0 51.996343 -0.983849
MK18 1BS 25 8 51.999219 -0.988955
MK18 1BT 19 4 51.998454 -0.98989
MK18 1BU 8 0 51.998565 -0.990208
MK18 1BX 11 0 51.997648 -0.990272
MK18 1BY 25 0 51.997108 -0.990139
MK18 1BZ 5 0 51.996924 -0.99074
MK18 1DA 17 0 51.99741 -0.990816
MK18 1DB 7 0 51.997225 -0.991243
MK18 1DD 8 0 51.997093 -0.991566
MK18 1DG 19 0 51.997595 -0.988292