all postcodes in MK19 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK19 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK19 6DF 1 52.030444 -0.906939
MK19 6DG 4 52.032851 -0.887729
MK19 6DH 0 52.047456 -0.863569
MK19 6DP 0 52.064253 -0.860094
MK19 6DQ 0 52.049658 -0.865336
MK19 6DS 4 52.035842 -0.870409
MK19 6DT 0 52.027655 -0.875276
MK19 6DU 0 52.024976 -0.881206
MK19 6DW 0 52.064033 -0.861441
MK19 6DX 1 52.024563 -0.875605
MK19 6DY 0 52.02392 -0.875082
MK19 6DZ 0 52.023675 -0.873047
MK19 6EA 1 52.014199 -0.865621
MK19 6EB 0 52.023432 -0.87489
MK19 6ED 1 52.044501 -0.849996
MK19 6EE 0 52.043438 -0.848842
MK19 6EG 0 52.043299 -0.852794
MK19 6EH 0 52.064112 -0.86497
MK19 6EJ 0 52.038597 -0.843863
MK19 6EL 3 52.032233 -0.834782