all postcodes in MK3 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK3 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK3 7BB 18 1 51.998365 -0.758522
MK3 7BD 23 0 51.997262 -0.759615
MK3 7BE 9 1 51.996842 -0.760763
MK3 7BG 17 0 51.996151 -0.760913
MK3 7BH 6 0 51.995684 -0.758392
MK3 7BJ 18 0 51.995881 -0.759158
MK3 7BL 6 0 51.995793 -0.760195
MK3 7BN 8 0 51.995562 -0.760478
MK3 7BP 10 0 51.995186 -0.761435
MK3 7BQ 25 0 51.996167 -0.758976
MK3 7BS 18 0 51.995072 -0.760055
MK3 7BT 32 0 51.994326 -0.761779
MK3 7BU 40 0 51.994493 -0.763115
MK3 7BW 31 0 51.995627 -0.761525
MK3 7BX 14 0 51.99384 -0.762594
MK3 7BY 33 0 51.997696 -0.760754
MK3 7BZ 11 0 51.997889 -0.761128
MK3 7DA 18 0 51.998575 -0.761371
MK3 7DB 15 0 51.9981 -0.756431
MK3 7DE 11 3 51.996381 -0.75543