all postcodes in MK3 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK3 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK3 5BD 38 0 51.990328 -0.751797
MK3 5BE 14 0 51.990791 -0.749672
MK3 5BG 16 0 51.990182 -0.750767
MK3 5BH 49 0 51.988836 -0.750207
MK3 5BJ 21 0 51.989041 -0.750872
MK3 5BL 22 0 51.989411 -0.750963
MK3 5BN 42 0 51.989524 -0.752285
MK3 5BQ 6 0 51.99014 -0.750077
MK3 5BS 1 1 51.990594 -0.754047
MK3 5BT 35 0 51.989815 -0.755117
MK3 5BU 23 0 51.990732 -0.754276
MK3 5BW 9 0 51.989384 -0.753483
MK3 5BX 25 1 51.98908 -0.753667
MK3 5BY 24 0 51.988494 -0.757819
MK3 5BZ 8 0 51.988 -0.758721
MK3 5DA 10 0 51.987417 -0.758854
MK3 5DB 11 0 51.986458 -0.759972
MK3 5DD 12 0 51.986669 -0.761204
MK3 5DE 17 0 51.985811 -0.761679
MK3 5DF 8 0 51.986564 -0.758964