all postcodes in MK41 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK41 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK41 0BD 2 0 52.151199 -0.424872
MK41 0BE 13 0 52.151423 -0.424388
MK41 0BG 35 0 52.152404 -0.425874
MK41 0BH 6 0 52.150954 -0.423674
MK41 0BJ 27 0 52.150828 -0.424965
MK41 0BL 14 0 52.151163 -0.427189
MK41 0BN 11 0 52.149371 -0.42294
MK41 0BP 12 0 52.150297 -0.426986
MK41 0BQ 28 0 52.152084 -0.424087
MK41 0BS 20 0 52.149741 -0.426377
MK41 0BT 32 0 52.150124 -0.424755
MK41 0BU 16 0 52.149478 -0.425553
MK41 0BW 17 0 52.152657 -0.423877
MK41 0BX 13 0 52.149294 -0.424551
MK41 0BY 9 0 52.153199 -0.42548
MK41 0BZ 22 0 52.153706 -0.424395
MK41 0DA 7 0 52.149022 -0.423698
MK41 0DB 32 0 52.149995 -0.423898
MK41 0DD 8 0 52.149951 -0.422613
MK41 0DE 43 0 52.154543 -0.429789