all postcodes in MK41 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK41 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK41 8BA 12 0 52.159018 -0.45004
MK41 8BB 16 0 52.160327 -0.450418
MK41 8BD 25 0 52.160651 -0.449764
MK41 8BE 33 0 52.156791 -0.428453
MK41 8BG 34 0 52.158107 -0.43345
MK41 8BH 3 0 52.157725 -0.429721
MK41 8BJ 1 1 52.166788 -0.446729
MK41 8BL 43 0 52.152689 -0.450084
MK41 8BN 8 0 52.153577 -0.451296
MK41 8BP 20 0 52.15608 -0.451516
MK41 8BQ 21 0 52.157536 -0.431102
MK41 8BS 26 0 52.155979 -0.450028
MK41 8BT 31 0 52.155616 -0.449763
MK41 8BU 29 0 52.154739 -0.449399
MK41 8BW 36 0 52.154603 -0.451363
MK41 8BX 15 0 52.153546 -0.449587
MK41 8BY 18 0 52.154067 -0.448195
MK41 8BZ 14 0 52.154867 -0.448898
MK41 8DA 27 0 52.154885 -0.44612
MK41 8DB 38 0 52.156159 -0.447946