all postcodes in MK41 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK41 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK41 9BL 13 0 52.152279 -0.442161
MK41 9BN 36 0 52.150845 -0.443191
MK41 9BP 16 0 52.14959 -0.440764
MK41 9BQ 15 0 52.152463 -0.444538
MK41 9BS 21 10 52.149048 -0.439219
MK41 9BT 10 0 52.148175 -0.439849
MK41 9BU 27 0 52.146511 -0.442465
MK41 9BW 12 0 52.151128 -0.442816
MK41 9BX 4 1 52.145378 -0.445179
MK41 9BY 19 0 52.146452 -0.443476
MK41 9BZ 13 0 52.147764 -0.44134
MK41 9DA 48 0 52.149326 -0.441899
MK41 9DB 4 0 52.150137 -0.443391
MK41 9DD 8 0 52.150216 -0.443929
MK41 9DE 28 0 52.149262 -0.44386
MK41 9DF 36 0 52.148723 -0.442519
MK41 9DG 35 0 52.148097 -0.44279
MK41 9DJ 88 9 52.132304 -0.437672
MK41 9DL 22 0 52.147805 -0.454442
MK41 9DN 10 0 52.148528 -0.455052