all postcodes in MK42 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK42 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK42 8BE 23 0 52.120187 -0.487553
MK42 8BG 26 11 52.121058 -0.488867
MK42 8BH 25 10 52.11983 -0.492035
MK42 8BL 27 12 52.11917 -0.493839
MK42 8BN 54 1 52.120197 -0.496769
MK42 8BP 24 6 52.119192 -0.494635
MK42 8BQ 5 0 52.120588 -0.49011
MK42 8BT 55 1 52.121782 -0.49562
MK42 8BU 67 0 52.121708 -0.496105
MK42 8BW 36 0 52.120427 -0.496528
MK42 8BX 7 0 52.120381 -0.495741
MK42 8DA 6 4 52.119607 -0.494022
MK42 8DD 7 3 52.12046 -0.492086
MK42 8DE 5 0 52.124266 -0.480389
MK42 8DF 11 0 52.124028 -0.480747
MK42 8DG 4 2 52.123964 -0.492567
MK42 8DH 1 1 52.120592 -0.491863
MK42 8DL 1 1 52.120216 -0.492664
MK42 8DN 10 1 52.119802 -0.491247
MK42 8DR 41 1 52.119586 -0.490495