all postcodes in MK42 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK42 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK42 9DA 20 0 52.130263 -0.472646
MK42 9DB 1 0 52.131081 -0.46784
MK42 9DD 9 0 52.127971 -0.479678
MK42 9DE 18 0 52.127137 -0.478509
MK42 9DF 15 0 52.127152 -0.478946
MK42 9DG 12 0 52.127475 -0.478921
MK42 9DJ 1 1 52.128265 -0.472495
MK42 9DL 6 0 52.128117 -0.474984
MK42 9DH 44 0 52.129688 -0.474126
MK42 9DP 25 0 52.127764 -0.475492
MK42 9DQ 12 0 52.127527 -0.479401
MK42 9DR 68 3 52.126852 -0.475188
MK42 9DS 2 0 52.127383 -0.476346
MK42 9DT 22 17 52.125906 -0.477134
MK42 9DU 1 0 52.126757 -0.478974
MK42 9DX 15 1 52.126541 -0.479683
MK42 9DY 37 0 52.127071 -0.479665
MK42 9DZ 10 0 52.12733 -0.480883
MK42 9EA 38 1 52.126708 -0.480758
MK42 9EB 21 0 52.117215 -0.472566