all postcodes in MK44 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK44 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK44 1BB 0 52.278432 -0.493972
MK44 1BD 0 52.276307 -0.491596
MK44 1BE 0 52.279272 -0.496391
MK44 1BG 1 52.28423 -0.491737
MK44 1BH 0 52.283303 -0.508643
MK44 1BJ 0 52.288742 -0.490924
MK44 1BL 0 52.284408 -0.469917
MK44 1BN 0 52.266491 -0.514497
MK44 1BP 0 52.288865 -0.517649
MK44 1BQ 1 52.28149 -0.49337
MK44 1BS 0 52.261581 -0.47627
MK44 1BT 0 52.258479 -0.460362
MK44 1BU 0 52.267934 -0.458287
MK44 1BX 1 52.250817 -0.504312
MK44 1BY 0 52.273548 -0.464762
MK44 1BZ 0 52.246789 -0.498907
MK44 1DA 0 52.25828 -0.500336
MK44 1DB 0 52.22443 -0.533807
MK44 1DD 1 52.253655 -0.475209
MK44 1DE 0 52.25341 -0.473679