all postcodes in MK44 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK44 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK44 2BJ 0 52.252007 -0.382458
MK44 2BL 0 52.253219 -0.382971
MK44 2BN 15 52.242176 -0.357794
MK44 2BP 0 52.250153 -0.389558
MK44 2BS 0 52.254214 -0.384781
MK44 2BT 0 52.249733 -0.382527
MK44 2BU 2 52.256064 -0.389226
MK44 2BW 0 52.250257 -0.383689
MK44 2BX 0 52.247662 -0.380331
MK44 2BY 0 52.241983 -0.376686
MK44 2BZ 2 52.238639 -0.376735
MK44 2DA 0 52.215082 -0.464015
MK44 2DB 2 52.214741 -0.462036
MK44 2DD 0 52.225097 -0.469829
MK44 2DE 1 52.219812 -0.472416
MK44 2DF 2 52.21204 -0.467969
MK44 2DG 0 52.215676 -0.476598
MK44 2DH 0 52.204136 -0.480402
MK44 2DJ 0 52.199772 -0.476688
MK44 2DL 1 52.208788 -0.466822