all postcodes in MK5 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK5 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK5 6DE 0 52.025353 -0.795422
MK5 6DF 0 52.025196 -0.795033
MK5 6DG 0 52.026356 -0.795002
MK5 6DH 0 52.024083 -0.795179
MK5 6DJ 0 52.020828 -0.786464
MK5 6DL 0 52.021862 -0.786451
MK5 6DN 0 52.027321 -0.794393
MK5 6DP 0 52.017939 -0.785231
MK5 6DQ 0 52.02611 -0.794624
MK5 6DR 0 52.018254 -0.784421
MK5 6DS 0 52.018903 -0.783762
MK5 6DT 0 52.019786 -0.783928
MK5 6DU 0 52.019406 -0.784506
MK5 6DW 0 52.027315 -0.793868
MK5 6DX 1 52.02452 -0.788682
MK5 6DY 0 52.027783 -0.794788
MK5 6DZ 0 52.019019 -0.785377
MK5 6EA 0 52.018579 -0.785447
MK5 6EB 0 52.028656 -0.793934
MK5 6ED 0 52.027663 -0.793626