all postcodes in MK6 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK6 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK6 3EH 3 0 52.021795 -0.720564
MK6 3EJ 1 0 52.029659 -0.731957
MK6 3EL 31 0 52.033118 -0.726669
MK6 3EN 7 0 52.031972 -0.727926
MK6 3EP 23 0 52.033066 -0.725228
MK6 3ER 24 0 52.031548 -0.729498
MK6 3ES 15 0 52.031685 -0.726331
MK6 3ET 4 0 52.030405 -0.727781
MK6 3EU 8 0 52.032425 -0.728263
MK6 3EW 14 0 52.042171 -0.731603
MK6 3EY 21 0 52.041771 -0.73122
MK6 3EZ 5 0 52.031281 -0.725584
MK6 3HA 10 0 52.042208 -0.73672
MK6 3HB 6 0 52.043091 -0.737701
MK6 3HD 10 0 52.041498 -0.735063
MK6 3HE 10 0 52.042426 -0.736072
MK6 3HF 6 1 52.043336 -0.737125
MK6 3HG 13 0 52.041929 -0.73836
MK6 3HH 10 0 52.042275 -0.738759
MK6 3HJ 12 0 52.041793 -0.73991