all postcodes in ML10 / STRATHAVEN

find any address or company within the ML10 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML10 6TR 18 0 55.69366 -4.020692
ML10 6TS 4 0 55.701619 -4.021453
ML10 6TT 10 0 55.708521 -4.019851
ML10 6TU 12 1 55.706243 -4.038406
ML10 6TW 12 0 55.702101 -4.027668
ML10 6TX 12 0 55.704916 -4.050272
ML10 6TY 10 0 55.712159 -4.067289
ML10 6TZ 27 0 55.701313 -4.028566
ML10 6UA 3 0 55.698847 -4.030428
ML10 6UB 19 15 55.685523 -4.057131
ML10 6UD 10 0 55.685563 -4.065501
ML10 6UE 8 0 55.68643 -4.065738
ML10 6UF 9 0 55.686505 -4.066617
ML10 6UG 8 0 55.68559 -4.066552
ML10 6UH 7 0 55.686143 -4.068379
ML10 6UJ 10 0 55.712506 -4.096772
ML10 6UL 30 0 55.683415 -4.061713
ML10 6UN 31 0 55.6825 -4.065403
ML10 6UP 29 0 55.671596 -4.065512
ML10 6UR 8 0 55.671716 -4.064819