all postcodes in ML11 / LANARK

find any address or company within the ML11 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML11 0JB 1 0 55.656815 -3.943237
ML11 0JD 3 1 55.661259 -3.932679
ML11 0JE 3 0 55.67782 -3.932827
ML11 0JF 6 1 55.678977 -3.935859
ML11 0JG 17 2 55.666268 -3.947871
ML11 0JH 10 1 55.653669 -3.974652
ML11 0JJ 10 0 55.65084 -3.986347
ML11 0JL 6 1 55.642575 -3.985563
ML11 0RZ 2 0 55.636819 -3.986293
ML11 0JN 10 9 55.647971 -3.893742
ML11 0JP 6 0 55.630456 -3.89499
ML11 0JQ 7 1 55.649347 -3.954501
ML11 0JR 15 4 55.626263 -3.878364
ML11 0JS 54 2 55.623129 -3.892207
ML11 0JU 22 2 55.625301 -3.867772
ML11 0JX 4 0 55.625498 -3.894227
ML11 0JY 4 0 55.679736 -3.934974
ML11 0LA 27 1 55.589896 -3.884577
ML11 0LB 5 0 55.591824 -3.881939
ML11 0LD 36 0 55.591033 -3.880156