all postcodes in ML11 / LANARK

find any address or company within the ML11 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML11 0LE 12 0 55.590695 -3.880568
ML11 0LF 30 0 55.590357 -3.879108
ML11 0LG 6 0 55.59226 -3.874597
ML11 0LH 37 6 55.59094 -3.889725
ML11 0LJ 13 0 55.591627 -3.888897
ML11 0LL 17 0 55.591641 -3.887977
ML11 0LN 57 0 55.593333 -3.886074
ML11 0LP 47 1 55.594382 -3.885633
ML11 0LQ 9 0 55.590585 -3.887085
ML11 0LR 55 0 55.593559 -3.887164
ML11 0LS 37 1 55.593592 -3.889071
ML11 0LT 56 0 55.596238 -3.887658
ML11 0LU 32 0 55.595405 -3.888063
ML11 0LW 12 0 55.593771 -3.884493
ML11 0LX 8 0 55.5985 -3.886719
ML11 0LY 8 0 55.59238 -3.874952
ML11 0LZ 3 0 55.589149 -3.886429
ML11 0NA 11 0 55.646945 -3.899172
ML11 0NB 45 0 55.646389 -3.897937
ML11 0ND 21 0 55.647108 -3.896764