all postcodes in ML4 / BELLSHILL

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Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML4 1AA 1 1 55.818714 -4.022957
ML4 1AB 56 15 55.818742 -4.021793
ML4 1AE 26 9 55.818614 -4.025
ML4 1AF 32 12 55.818278 -4.025408
ML4 1AG 28 19 55.816327 -4.026536
ML4 1AH 24 12 55.818919 -4.024707
ML4 1AJ 28 17 55.819067 -4.022783
ML4 1AN 1 1 55.81916 -4.02182
ML4 1AP 1 1 55.819244 -4.01968
ML4 1AQ 14 9 55.818386 -4.025941
ML4 1AR 1 1 55.819683 -4.018106
ML4 1AS 15 0 55.821089 -4.014029
ML4 1AT 2 0 55.819878 -4.015871
ML4 1AU 7 1 55.820412 -4.013674
ML4 1AW 36 8 55.81945 -4.016434
ML4 1AX 1 0 55.819176 -4.014504
ML4 1AY 23 0 55.820468 -4.011889
ML4 1AZ 19 0 55.821084 -4.012687
ML4 1BA 6 5 55.819056 -4.018026
ML4 1BB 1 1 55.819797 -4.012254