all postcodes in ML4 / BELLSHILL

find any address or company within the ML4 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML4 1BD 24 0 55.819226 -4.015337
ML4 1BQ 9 0 55.832215 -4.026069
ML4 1BX 11 0 55.825527 -4.016349
ML4 1BY 67 1 55.824693 -4.015125
ML4 1DA 5 5 55.81978 -4.010577
ML4 1DD 5 4 55.820363 -4.009537
ML4 1DE 12 6 55.820622 -4.010205
ML4 1DG 21 11 55.820024 -4.006615
ML4 1DL 50 0 55.819654 -4.006181
ML4 1DN 8 0 55.81949 -4.003586
ML4 1DP 16 0 55.818683 -4.003449
ML4 1DQ 1 1 55.819189 -4.009083
ML4 1DR 24 0 55.818192 -4.004349
ML4 1DS 42 0 55.818548 -4.002372
ML4 1DT 46 0 55.818611 -4.0007
ML4 1DU 36 0 55.819444 -4.002546
ML4 1DW 24 0 55.819211 -4.004657
ML4 1DX 19 3 55.819869 -4.002717
ML4 1DZ 2 1 55.818944 -3.995997
ML4 1EB 3 3 55.82091 -4.000786