all postcodes in ML6 / AIRDRIE

find any address or company within the ML6 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML6 6HS 31 0 55.873142 -3.970176
ML6 6HT 31 1 55.873039 -3.972121
ML6 6HU 38 1 55.872174 -3.97278
ML6 6HX 18 0 55.86964 -3.969998
ML6 6JA 10 6 55.867358 -3.981694
ML6 6JE 11 0 55.882146 -3.983087
ML6 6JF 17 7 55.868117 -3.982564
ML6 6JG 12 0 55.868939 -3.978945
ML6 6JH 24 12 55.867626 -3.98126
ML6 6JJ 17 12 55.868305 -3.976995
ML6 6JL 40 0 55.869954 -3.97954
ML6 6JN 32 0 55.869215 -3.978528
ML6 6JP 16 0 55.870946 -3.977097
ML6 6JQ 20 11 55.868269 -3.982028
ML6 6JR 2 0 55.871007 -3.978081
ML6 6JS 48 0 55.872303 -3.974881
ML6 6JT 31 0 55.871673 -3.974321
ML6 6JU 9 1 55.870837 -3.975462
ML6 6JW 2 0 55.870723 -3.978387
ML6 6JX 2 0 55.871271 -3.975308