all postcodes in ML6 / AIRDRIE

find any address or company within the ML6 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML6 6JY 33 0 55.870734 -3.97576
ML6 6JZ 12 0 55.870743 -3.976831
ML6 6LA 46 0 55.869443 -3.979435
ML6 6LB 48 0 55.869443 -3.979435
ML6 6LD 40 0 55.870509 -3.980208
ML6 6LE 40 0 55.870994 -3.979146
ML6 6LF 11 3 55.868984 -3.981713
ML6 6LG 16 4 55.869194 -3.982075
ML6 6LH 20 6 55.87204 -3.977776
ML6 6LJ 5 0 55.87214 -3.979396
ML6 6LL 3 0 55.87164 -3.975838
ML6 6LN 7 0 55.872459 -3.976327
ML6 6LP 13 1 55.87325 -3.977438
ML6 6LS 54 0 55.872675 -3.975187
ML6 6LT 17 2 55.874327 -3.973359
ML6 6LU 17 2 55.875133 -3.969829
ML6 6LW 24 0 55.872796 -3.977719
ML6 6LX 27 1 55.876466 -3.967419
ML6 6NB 48 0 55.869902 -3.977764
ML6 6ND 32 0 55.870358 -3.979002