all postcodes in ML9 / LARKHALL

find any address or company within the ML9 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML9 2SQ 6 0 55.731757 -3.953458
ML9 2SR 12 0 55.729956 -3.954833
ML9 2SS 37 2 55.729675 -3.954405
ML9 2ST 15 0 55.730813 -3.954016
ML9 2SU 15 0 55.731052 -3.953168
ML9 2SW 4 0 55.730619 -3.955503
ML9 2SX 9 0 55.731255 -3.952796
ML9 2SY 4 0 55.73186 -3.952432
ML9 2SZ 5 0 55.732113 -3.95252
ML9 2TA 9 0 55.732414 -3.952854
ML9 2TB 23 0 55.733052 -3.953411
ML9 2TD 10 0 55.733686 -3.953124
ML9 2TE 7 0 55.73318 -3.952112
ML9 2TF 14 0 55.734256 -3.952277
ML9 2TG 22 0 55.734802 -3.953546
ML9 2TH 9 0 55.734611 -3.951976
ML9 2TJ 36 0 55.749736 -3.981779
ML9 2TL 7 6 55.724345 -3.961579
ML9 2TN 26 0 55.749361 -3.981075
ML9 2TP 17 4 55.719799 -3.961666