all postcodes in ML9 / LARKHALL

find any address or company within the ML9 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML9 2TQ 23 0 55.735671 -3.953733
ML9 2TR 5 0 55.72138 -3.961713
ML9 2TS 1 0 55.722603 -3.956615
ML9 2TT 1 0 55.720762 -3.962144
ML9 2TX 15 1 55.714691 -3.95495
ML9 2TY 2 0 55.72557 -3.952946
ML9 2TZ 19 3 55.729796 -3.947372
ML9 2UA 16 1 55.738183 -3.928977
ML9 2UB 20 1 55.740971 -3.926379
ML9 2UD 6 2 55.743951 -3.937084
ML9 2UE 2 0 55.752232 -3.963792
ML9 2UF 3 0 55.755464 -3.981528
ML9 2UG 4 1 55.755082 -3.989062
ML9 2UH 27 1 55.747795 -3.976726
ML9 2UJ 6 3 55.74414 -3.963513
ML9 2UN 4 4 55.725842 -3.956379
ML9 2UQ 9 1 55.749086 -3.984184
ML9 2UW 35 0 55.749392 -3.979149
ML9 2UX 43 0 55.74966 -3.978684
ML9 2UY 20 0 55.749045 -3.979434