all postcodes in ML9 / LARKHALL

find any address or company within the ML9 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML9 3BA 11 0 55.729933 -3.933587
ML9 3BB 10 0 55.729447 -3.932448
ML9 3BD 5 0 55.728943 -3.930257
ML9 3BE 38 0 55.72519 -3.930024
ML9 3BG 3 0 55.729162 -3.931128
ML9 3BH 8 0 55.731831 -3.92027
ML9 3BJ 7 0 55.733641 -3.915438
ML9 3BL 7 0 55.73445 -3.913152
ML9 3BN 16 0 55.727386 -3.917743
ML9 3BP 5 1 55.72304 -3.923696
ML9 3BQ 36 0 55.726923 -3.926113
ML9 3BS 4 0 55.717274 -3.9115
ML9 3BT 30 2 55.710904 -3.904487
ML9 3BU 19 1 55.710575 -3.901924
ML9 3BW 3 0 55.71971 -3.924723
ML9 3BX 42 0 55.709202 -3.902383
ML9 3BY 60 0 55.707755 -3.901246
ML9 3BZ 16 0 55.708578 -3.902018
ML9 3DA 12 0 55.709102 -3.904177
ML9 3DB 48 0 55.709535 -3.902909