all postcodes in ML9 / LARKHALL

find any address or company within the ML9 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML9 3DD 19 0 55.708682 -3.91038
ML9 3DE 18 1 55.705315 -3.911362
ML9 3DF 5 0 55.705814 -3.912182
ML9 3DG 7 1 55.708755 -3.915509
ML9 3DH 5 0 55.705519 -3.933924
ML9 3DJ 11 1 55.713628 -3.930747
ML9 3DL 1 0 55.709976 -3.94699
ML9 3DN 3 0 55.715181 -3.938939
ML9 3DP 4 0 55.707988 -3.911683
ML9 3DQ 3 0 55.697048 -3.917641
ML9 3DR 1 0 55.708637 -3.920215
ML9 3DS 37 0 55.72763 -3.927437
ML9 3DT 6 0 55.701374 -3.977993
ML9 3DU 60 0 55.693396 -3.984018
ML9 3DW 3 0 55.72545 -3.943127
ML9 3DX 3 0 55.710684 -3.909348
ML9 3DY 14 0 55.693017 -3.984652
ML9 3DZ 3 0 55.693806 -3.984214
ML9 3EA 41 0 55.698795 -3.985231
ML9 3EB 23 2 55.697727 -3.987405