all postcodes in N1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N1 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N1 6DG 0 51.528712 -0.087175
N1 6DH 0 51.528069 -0.084679
N1 6DL 1 51.527949 -0.085606
N1 6DN 1 51.527535 -0.085552
N1 6DP 0 51.527529 -0.08682
N1 6DQ 0 51.528765 -0.085457
N1 6DR 19 51.527772 -0.086882
N1 6DS 0 51.52892 -0.086099
N1 6DW 0 51.528401 -0.086798
N1 6DX 0 51.527364 -0.086527
N1 6EA 0 51.527175 -0.085509
N1 6EB 5 51.527558 -0.085291
N1 6ED 2 51.529322 -0.085981
N1 6EF 1 51.528124 -0.086911
N1 6EH 0 51.529469 -0.084504
N1 6EJ 0 51.529115 -0.084851
N1 6EL 0 51.528404 -0.083151
N1 6EN 0 51.529072 -0.082762
N1 6EP 0 51.528706 -0.082403
N1 6EQ 0 51.527672 -0.083484